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Periodic Cleanup Example

This is a simple example that periodically calls your application to do a cleanup of old data, or temp storage. It's a very common use case for cron jobs.

Architectural overview

In this example we schedule a simple job to delete temporary data older than one day. It will execute each day somewhere at night when we have lowest traffic.

This task is not critical and can take a while, so we won't wait for it to finish and immediately return that it has succeeded. If it fails we'll re-run it the next day anyway.

To make sure that one of these succeed we add another job that will check, if we have data older than 1 week in the database and fail if it ever returns true.

Code example

import lq from '@dayone-labs/lambda-queue-express'
import { subDays, subWeeks } from 'date-fns'

const cleanupTemp = lq.queue('/cleanupTemp', async () => {
  //Don't await on this async call to run it in the background
  const aDayAgo = subDays(new Date(), 1)

const validateCleanup = lq.queue('/validateCleanup', async () => {
  const weekAgo = subWeeks(new Date(), 1)
  const hasOlderThanWeek = await tempManager.hasOlder(weekAgo)
  if (hasOlderThanWeek) {
    throw new Error('Older than a week data still exists')

lq.schedule('0 2 * * *', {
  queue: cleanupTemp,
  //Key is mandatory here, as we don't want to reschedule the same job multiple times
  key: 'cleanupTemp',

lq.schedule('0 3 * * *', {
  queue: validateCleanup,
  //Key is mandatory here, as we don't want to reschedule the same job multiple times
  key: 'validateCleanup',

//Queue is an Express router, just mount it with app.use(queue)
export const route = lq.compose(cleanupTemp, validateCleanup)
export default {



Keep in mind, that LambdaQueue request might timeout. If your cleanup jobs take more than few seconds and you await on the request till the end it might mark the job as failed and retry.

Right now there's no easy way to get long running jobs in LambdaQueue. We're still working on it and plan on adding means to handle these (ACK/NACK for long running jobs on your backend or scriptlets to handle all logic on LambdaQueue servers). Check out our Roadmap to track progress on these.

All examples are licensed under MIT. You can use them for free in your projects.